July 23, 2012

The Water Wars

Drippingly Bad or a Bad Bluff?
Well, things do happen in Malaysia that would unlikely take place in other places.

First, you have Syabas, the water concessionaire, saying that they want to ration water because their inlet dams have critically low water levels. The areas to face water-cuts would be the premier area of Putrajaya, dormitory town areas of Petaling Jaya and the capital city of Kuala Lumpur.

Syabas's excuse was that the Langat II dam must be built and tariffs must be allowed to go up if they are to efficiently deliver water to the people.

So, did they lied or did they bluff?

My elder brother tells me a lie is premised on  something that can happen and a bluff is an impossibility.

For instance, you may lie that you have a stomachache and used that as an alibi for skipping school. Then you can bluff when you tell people that you saw a flying pig.

In this case, Syabas was found lying about the water levels. Most or all the dams were overflowing with water, given the rainy season.

So they shifted the goal-posts and say the water rationing was due to their inability to process water efficiently to serve demand and not because of water in the dams.

So, the Selangor Government decided to take over Syabas on the cusp of this excuse.

No one was surprised when this was rejected by Putrajaya.

As such, the water wars take a break.

It will became hot once again as we get closer to the elections.

So, watch the fun when there is another replay of the water wars then.

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