July 27, 2012

Stolen Days,Bitter Tears

Stolen Days
Yes, I postulate.

I have a theory.

If you are working in an organisation,to follow the great Pareto Principle, the support of only 30%  of the your bosses  will expedite your success up the corporate ladder.

On the other hand, 30% of your bosses will cut the ground under you to make you fall.

The other 40% will just make use of you to climb the corporate ladder and claim credit for all you do.

The important thing to do is to avoid the 30% bad bosses.

Bitter Tears
When you start in your organisation, look for godfathers and godmothers. Look for team players who will play ball so that the entire team will move up the ladder in quick succession with the ones up earlier helping the others to move up.

At the beginning of your career, avoid working for bad bosses.

You can spot them from kilometers away. They work you to the bone, scolds you and write bad confidential reports for you.

If you have started on the wrong foot under such corporate horrors, get out of the organisation or into other divisions to redeem yourself.

Do it quick to save yourself.

If not, it will be stolen days and bitter tears as you stagnate like slags at the bottom of the cesspool of the organisation.

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