July 09, 2012

My Writing Life begins........

Hemingway,here I pretend........
No, it is not Batman Begins.

I am just chronicling the beginning of another more serious chapter or mile-stone of my life -writing

I have just completed the translation of a Malay text to English for a government Commission. Today I will meet up with another Corporation to take on a turnkey project incorporating both writing the text in English and then translating the approved proof copy into Bahasa Malaysia.

Big job but I think with God's blessings, I should pull through before the dateline in August.

It is not that I have not written prior to this.

I wrote the annual performance report s for a promotion council for three years though for 2011 due to budgeting problems, there will be no report. However, they may offer me a 2011-2012 bumper issue at the beginning of next year or so.

On top of that, I was also involved as a domain writer for the embodiment of the National Innovation Policy for the Prime Minister's Department back in 2011.

Currently, there could be a over-run of assignments as I will now editorised grant applications.  I do hope they pay me promptly.

I will attend the meeting with the corporation at 3.30 pm this evening and may post some-more on my return.

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