July 30, 2012

Ice Age 4- A Failure to Capitalise

Piracy During the Ice-Age
I think the hype on Ice Age 4 started at least a calendar year before the film's release.

The excitement it generated must have made an anti-climax of the cartoon movie.

As usual, the movie starts with Scrat the squirrel chasing after his acorn that causes the continental drift to occur when he caused the earth's core to go hay-wire.

I thought that Madagascar has taken away the pirate theme but was surprised that this is once again recycled and hijacked here as the pivotal part of Ice Age 4.

True, they added new stars like Manny and Elise's daughter, Peaches, Shira the female sabre, toothless Granny of Sid, Louis the molehog; and Precious the whale.

On the other side were the pirates led by a gorilla-like creature  called Captain Gutt and his assortment of ridiculous-looking crew including a wayward rabbit as his side-kick. As usual, they have their share of those tiny little creatures called hyraxes to come to their aid in battle against the gorilla Captain Gutt.

The dialogue is so-so and not as great as Brave.

The interesting thing is that they used ice-bergs floats as ships.

The 3-D is not all that startling as well.

Final analysis-keep your money.

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