July 19, 2012

BJF-You Can Do No Magic

Starbucks may make big bucks. Not today;not on Bursa Kl.
Evolution for Profits?

The official  inclusion to its RM4.5 million net profit to the bottom line  of BJF caused nary a stare or even a blink in terms of prices.

Right not, BJF is languishing at 95 sen while the OR, traded up to 65 sen on the opening minutes, is back to 63.5, its overnight price.

Granted, these is little free-spread in BJF as Vincent and his cohorts have bought almost all available shares from weak-holders and are keeping them in their stables to earn profits.

Next Tuesday (24 July) , OR goes ex and so it is to Berjaya Times Square with your drafts and OR letters.

Please remember the RM10 revenue stamp,won't you?

PS:  BJF closed down 2.5 sen to 93.5 sen while BJF OR closed up 2.5 sen to 66 sen.

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