July 16, 2012

BJF-Catastrophe OR Sales or what?

Wahloi! Designer Coffee...
Yes, the board is crimson red for both BJFoods (BJF) and its Offer for Sale(OR).

From the get go, when it started off at a good 69.5 sen, it has gone down the sewage of prices touching a nadir of  56.5 en for a dunking 8.5 sen loss. Right now, it is hovering at the inconsolable bid price of 57.5 sen and 58.5 sen.

The number of  done deals is 5,076 and from the array of buyers and sellers in lot terms,there is a big seller at 59.5 sen (200 lots) and 88 lots at 0.60 sen.

Until it stops trading on 23 July, it can go both ways depending on the price of BJF.

By 24th July, get your money to buy the rights at 65 sen with the accompanying warrants.

If I am to postulate, at the ex-price for the OR at 66.5 and adding RM1 as the overnight closing price of BJF, the rights and mother shares should even out to RM1.65 for a  16 sen gain after deducting for trading overheads.

I would like to guess that the warrants should do well at 70 sen convertible price on a longer term with the inclusion of Starbucks into BJF's account. At the current price of BJF, you should stand to gain about 15 sen per warrant on conversion.

It is still 'early days' as weak holders of the OR who do not want to cough out cash for the BJF rights have sold or are lining up for the sale of the OR.

Remember day traders can manipulate if there is one sen net either way.

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