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May 17, 2012
A Prayer for Jessica
I think a very big proportion of humankind is rooting for Jessica Sanchez to get into the final of the eleventh season of American Idol. I sure am. I am rooting for her!
We stumped for her because she is great. We want her to win because we know that she will go to the next level professionally with this bragging title under her belt.
We want the Americans to support her not because she is a Mexican Filipina American but because she is American and one with talent to boot. Period.
We want voters to phone in their support because she is an underdog performing with a sore-throat and with a poor song selection provided by both judges and Jimmy Iovine. What a week!
As the midnight hour approaches, we pray for God's deliverance for Jessica to enter into the final play off of American Idol.
It's already morning in America if you go by Jessica's Twitter.
Support her.
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