May 25, 2012

Jessica and Phillip- A Winning Duo

As the fanfare fades,and the American Idols contestants leave for their summer tour, we are left to ponder.

Would be have mattered if Jessica had won and Phillips were runner-up?

So, Phillips have wowed the crowd at the Nokia Theater and his last number has  brought the trophy home for him.

After revisiting all the performances and the songs he sung on the competition, I think he is definitely deserving to be in the finale. That he won was just plain good luck and perhaps some sympathy votes for his kidney condition.

For Jessica, she may not have won the bragging rights to be the American Idol title but I love her maturity of humility in the face of defeat. Her attitude was right and she has won many a heart.

We do not know the trajectory for Jessica in her future music career but I know she has the talent to make it BIG!

She is dynamite!

So, Bebe Chez perform on the world stages, grow up prettily  and sell records the whole world over.

Love is in the air and your fans love and adore you.

Peace, love and happiness to you always.

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