March 21, 2012

Najib: The Lone Crusader

He may not be caped, but Najib is doing one fine Herculean job as a crusader.

It seems nothing is for him these days;and as time moves forward so quickly, the suitable time windows to call for the next GE gets fewer and fewer.

Assuming that he must call the elections by April 2013,it means that he has less than 365 days to dissolve the current Parliament.

Compared to the PR that seems to have leaders at every level, all respected as primus inter pares,BN has too few leaders of calibre.

When Najib comes out strongly in his campaign in some new policy area, programme or even project,none of the BN leaders are capable of following through on them. Perhaps, they do not want to for fear of taking away the thunder from Najib.

I remembered clearly that during Mahathir's reign as head honcho, whatever statement is made is echoed and reinforced by the top echelon leaders from all component parties.

Obviously, these eased during Badawi's time at the helm.

Now, when Najib is at the watch, he is truly on his own. Except for a few leaders who selectively echoes him, all the rest are either not on the same page' or perceiving things in their own way, much in conflict with what was envisioned by Najib. The 1Malaysia concept is a case in point.

PM Najib's image as a leader has also been sullied by the numerous times he had to flip-flopped even though lately he seemed to have a more flexible stand on the heritage buildings in Jalan Petaling which are earmarked for destruction to give way to the MRT and the Lynas issue. It is also interesting to note that he will based his winnable list of candidates that are supported by the people.

Alas, time is not on his side.

As much as PM Najib campaigns to win the hearts and minds of the undecided, he is alone in this as the top BN leadership is not 'a first among equal' and as such lacks commitment and thus adopts, at best, a que sera sera attitude.

And it is truly sad that there isn't a single respected leader in the component parties which can be considered a true-blue winnable candidate.

I wonder who will be on Najib's winnable candidate list finally?

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