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February 20, 2012
Risk Taking And Fortune Smiles
I had lunch with an old friend today.
We were talking about risk taking. Surprisingly, he told me he is now fully invested in some pieces of choice land and does not own even a single share of Bursa KL.
He was involved in the stock market but fortune has been kind to him finally after many hits and misses. There were times when his heart was in his mouth and he had to cut losses. However, on balance he made a huge amount of cash just buying on the lows and exiting on the highs. That was life-changing for him!
Reflecting on this true story, I know that many among us, myself included, almost had it but has since lost it all as lady luck would not shine on us.
Life is short and there are many not given second chances. With meager resources, as age catches up,risk taking will be the furthest thing from our minds.
As we become more cautious and careful, we will become more risk averse.
As such, the chance of making it in a great way becomes even more remote.
Calculated risks and lady luck will favour those who take risks.
Are you that risk taker?
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