February 12, 2012

Is 1Malaysia in Troubled Waters?

When PM Najib took over the helm of government, he wanted to make his mark amidst the currents of ITC technology,globalisation and the realities of the multi-racial and multi religious Malaysian society.

So, he conceptualised 1Malaysia. But what is in this capsule called 1Malaysia? Najib has to make practical meaning to the citizens from many divides. It cannot be the equivalent to the trade-mark of DAP's Malaysian Malaysia, no matter how alike like peas in a pod, they are.

So, what he has done has been to add bits and pieces to make it relevant.

Somewhere, along the line, the Rukun Negara, the national unifying ethos, had to take a back-seat.

So, a concoction of facets of what 1 Malaysia is and can be made tangible started to take shape.

Like the proverbial Blind Men and the Elephant, every thinking Malaysia tried to put a handle on the nebulous 1 Malaysia concept and how it applied to him in his life and his nation.

Obviously, the people who are optimists, will see the good in Najib's concept while the naysayers will find fault with it with every drop of a cap, hat or songkok.

The 1 Malaysia concept includes everything from 1Menu,1 Kedai Malaysia,PR1M Housing,Br1M(Citizen Grants),1Malaysia Student Grants. 1 Malaysia Book Coupons and more to come.

The more controversial of his 1Malaysia concept had to do with religion. As a 1Malaysia PM, he made it a point to attend cultural and religious festivals as well as to be seen with ICT and youths.

So, PM waded into unknown waters when he attended the recent Taipusam religious celebrations on 7 February. The religious authorities have now contraindicated that the PM should not attend such functions as it meant he is sacrifying his Muslim faith.

This would likely be a 'storm in a teacup' if it can be contained. Can he enlist Khir Baharom to do the needful?

Let us see how PM will dismantle this barrage of criticisms against him from the religious quarter; or maybe he can continue being silent,as always.

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