January 05, 2012

Digi: The Retailer Selldown

Retailers' Selldown?
The number of sellers and buyers were not disproportionate. The number of deals done were certainly biased towards the belligerent buyers who brought Digi slowly down by the sen.

Though the market is still riding on a positive note, that Digi could spin down despite yesterday's good closing beckons the RM64,000 question. What gives?

Digi lost a clean 6 sen to RM3.82 at its lowest and it is now trading at the RM3.83-RM3.84 range.

As the morning moves along, will there be an abatement of weak sellers?

The afternoon session was as lacklustre with bargain hunters calling the shots.

Digi lost 2 sen to RM3.86 for the week.

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