January 01, 2012

Control and Command Freaks!

My DUMC senior pastor started the new year sermon by conducting an experiment on the congregation.

He distributed a rubber band to all of us.

The rubber band should be placed on your left wrist. If you have a complaint in your heart or have verbalized it, then you would have to shift it to the right wrist.

Any redemption at the end of the day will allow the rubber band to get back onto the left wrist.

I doubt many mortal can really pass this test. Not if done with absolute sincerely, and it will not be sustainable.

My reasoning?

 It is not how good we are but how we are build emotionally.

Stoic, we are not. No Man of La Manca are we!

The basic reason is a majority of us are control freaks save for a good minority of victims!

 Dealing with a control freak can take a lot out of you. The way they command attention and make demands makes it almost impossible for you to reject them except at your behest which could range from foul words to other forms of embarrassing anti-social behaviors.

They take over your will and you are rendered virtually opinionless much less a brain to work with. Soon, you've become the control freak's life-long zombie serf!

So, how does one stop this ?

Unless they are optimally incommunicado on the gray matter level, reasoning is the best way. Doesn’t work with me because the person is a freaked out savage where slave driving is the norm.  There is just no private time or private space. You are at the beck and call of King Ramses or a devilish Jezebel! You are fully stressed out by the end of the day!

Most controlling personalities have a fear of rejection or failure.  They do not know how to lose. So they become belligerent. They should be shown the psycho analyst couch pronto!

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