December 30, 2011

Bursa KL: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Star Performer
Well, today is an opportune time to review how your stocks did in 2011 now that trading will only resume on 3 January 2012.

Dividend Star

For me, I have my share of winning and losing. On hindsight, we are all 2020.

Bountiful Harvest
There were times when we were suckered in by irresponsible regulatory bodies,analysts and industrial banks. There should be a law to punish these irresponsible people and investment banks!

Commodity King
Then there were the circumstances-really extreme in 2011.

Digital Leader
Wall Street jitters, the horrendous Eurozone sovereign debt issue led by the sick Greeks and the debilitating effects of the constant property meltdown possibility in China. Remember also the tsunami and nuclear meltdown in Japan. These all added to the vagaries of dabbling in equities in 2011.

Fast Food Champion

So, what are in my list of the good, the bad and the ugly? What are the regrettable and poor decision making fumbles?

Megamall Master Builder
The shining stars are definitely GAB; Krisassets and TWS which went beyond 100% capital appreciation. This was followed by Digi.Com,BAT, Berjaya Assets, KLK,IGB,Kencana and KFC which brought more than satisfactory capaitalisation gains.

Time Square Operator
O and G Monolith
Megamall Super Administrator
On the other side, the greatest screw-ups include UOA Development,Metronic Global,EIG,Maybulk, Adventa,Ramunia,Hai-O,KHSB,KPS,MNRB and Time Engineering Berhad.

I bought Ramunia based on bad analysts’ reports, Metronic-based on a smart alec statistician’s appraisal but should have left when it ran into bad debts. 

PN 17 Red Herring
As for Time Engineering, I did not know why just selling TdC shares to shareholders would lead to its share price downgrade. Something lost in translation?

Lost in Translation
MNRB went down in spite of giving a good dividend? Why, oh, why? 
Loss of Agencies?
EIG was an unattractive share that the market kept away with a 10 meter pole given its change in ownership when the ‘beauty people’ left. 

Biting the Bullet
Hai-O went down because it followed the government’s ruling to tighten up its direct selling member-get-member structure. 

Potential Winner?
Maybulk going south is generally attributed to poor demand for shipping while Adventa's sharp fall was because of the increasing price of rubber.

Die hard?
As for KPS and KHSB, it is because of the water amalgamation mess in Selangor and the court cases.

Foggy Perspective
Hopeful Candidate?
Finally, UOA development, blame it on the Securities Commission and the analysts. They were too laid back in their valuation for the IPO and were faulty in their advice as well.  Minority shareholders were all made lambs for the slaughter. No ethics!

Bad Debts
Low Ebb
Institutional Irresponsibility
So, how did your investments went?

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