July 16, 2011

Marc Anthony and Tiger's Losses

Yes,it depends how you look at it.

Both ladies have their exes too, I am sure.

Why they gave away of shared lives that they were so sure of when they did get married is beyond all comprehension.

I would understand why Erin Nordegrin reacted the way she did after Tiger's transgresses.

But why J. Lo? Are 7 years a mere trifling and a pair of twins to boot of little consequence?

There is definitely more than meets the eye here.

I read today of Erin and a billionaire's scion of a son adating.

Interesting what the billionaire's son sees in Nordegrin. I do.

As for Jennifer Lopez, what are you not telling?

Whatever it is, I know  that both Marc and Tiger will be missing them so.

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