June 09, 2011

Maiden Interim Dividend for Berjaya Foods

For shareholders of Berjaya Foods Berhad (BFood), it has been one roller-coaster ride. Prices started at 50+ sen on opening day before going hyper to touche the highof the RM1.20s. Today it is languishing at the upper 80 levels. Poor show,Vincent.

Held 75% by Berjaya Corporation (BJCorp), BFood today consists of only Kenny Rogers Restaurants (KRR) within the boundaries of Malaysia. The franchise outside Malaysia especially China where BJCorp is thinking seriously of venturing into belongs wholly to BJCorp itself.

There are a few hurdles that BFoods have to overcome. First, it must buy back the3  franchised restaurants so that the  brand will be wholly managed by BFoods. This is important to maintain quality ad image. Secondly, they may have to venture outside the shopping complexes to seek the walk in customers just like KFC and Old Town outlets.

Bearing the lousy share price, the fact that BFoods will be paying its maiden interim dividend of a single-tiered 3% is good news. Though performance when compared to the previous year is not too good, I think KRR will see the company through for the year.l.

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