March 01, 2011

The NATIP Wishes

Envisioning a greater role for the timber industry by 2020, the Government has commissioned a study to create a viable vision for the Timber industry from 2009 till 2020.

Known as the National Timber Industry Plan (NATIP), it proposes 7 thrusts for the achievement of its qualitative and quantitative targets.

The overriding mission of NATIP is that come 2020, Malaysian timber exports will achieve the value of RM53 billion. The qualitative vision is to achieve this target via a 40% contribution from upstream products and 60% from downstream products. Whether this is a tall order or need to be pruned to current realities will depend how the critical issues facing the industry can be effectively resolved.

The three critical challenges must be met strategically and expeditiously. Failing to do so with earnest will certainly makes such mission and vision a pipe dream.

The NATIP thrusts broadly embodies qualitative aspects. Each thrust incorporates a status report, a list of issues and challenges,the way forward and policy directions.

These are the thrusts:

Thrust 1: Industry Structure
Thrust 2: The Supply of Raw Materials
Thrust 3: Innovation and Technology
Thrust 4: Marketing and Innovation
Thrust 5: Marketing and Promotion
Thrust 6: Funding and Incentives
Thrust 7: Bumiputra Participation

Excluding the negative impact of exogenous factors, the 7 thrusts of the NATIP can be realisable and achievable  if they are passionately pursued i n an enabling environment.

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