This is,as usual, ought to be the most interesting part of the job, I should say. However, the scale of fees currently is not too attractive and perhaps should be revised with the time of hyper inflation that we know
Let us see what are the kinds of fees that a Commissioner for Oath recieved for his official functions and duties.
Rule 21 of Part X on "Fees' stipulates in sub-rule (1) that the fee to be levied by a Commissioner for Oath shall not exceed-
(a) four ringgit for taking an original affidavit and shall not exceed two ringgit on each exhibit referred to therein and required to be marked.
(b)two ringgit for marking any duplicate or photostat copy of the affidavit and one ringgit on each copy of exhibit referred to therein.
And for public officer,watch out for this caveat.
An affidavit that has been declared by law to be exempt from payment of stamp duty shall be exempt from any fee when the affidavit is taken by a Commissioner for Oath who is a public officer.
The fee chargeable under sub-rule (1) will be as follow:
Sub-rule 2(a) states that the fee charged by a public offcier in the course of performing the funcitons as a Commissioner for Oaths shall be collected praecipe and shall form part of the Federal consolidated Fund.
Sub-rule 2(b) states clearly that the fees charged by any other persons in the course of performing the functions of a Commissioner for Oath is to be retained by him or her.
So, do you think it is high time for an upward revision of fees?
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