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September 15, 2010
Happy Malaysia Day!
It has been 47 years since Sabah,Sarawak,Singapore came together with Malaya to form Malaysia on 16 September 1963.
Singapore departed to become independent in 1965.
Since then, Malaysia Day was never officially recognised or celebrated.
The people of Sabah and Sarawak were denied their celebrative rights to celebrate their day of independence from the White Rajah. They had to kowtow to to wishes of their brothers in Peninsular Malaysia to celebrate Merdeka Day instead which falls on 31 August yearly.
The new political awareness of what these two states can do to Federal politics have made the powers to be at Putrajaya to provide political space in the country to celebrate Malaysia Day which is truly our day of independence as Malaysia.
Yes, better late than never!
Today we celebrate Hari Malaysia for the first time officially as a country. It is indeed a milestone in the nation's history.
Happy Malaysia Day, everyone!
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