May 26, 2010

Malaysia: Cut Off Subsidies or be Greece

The Federal Government says it will save RM103 billion over the next five years if it starts to cut subsidies now. 

Datuk Seri Idris Jala , who is in charge of the Government Transformation Plan (GTP), said today Malaysia had a whopping RM362 billion debt and must start reducing subsidies amounting to RM74 billion last year to avoid becoming a bankrupt nation by 2019.

“We do not want to end up like Greece,” the minister in the Prime Minister’s Department told a packed hall at the government’s open day to rationalise subsidies here this morning.

But my friend, how about seriously trimming down a bloated civil service, wiping out corruption and preventing wastage at the same time?

So kawan, let us have a more holistic approach to save Malaysia from financial ruin, okay?

Subsidies alone is not the culprit...............

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