April 15, 2010

Hulu Selangor: PKR's Do or Die!

Well, after all the hullabaloo, Samy Velu and a big proportion of the MIC divisions took the bitter pill and swallowed it with unwarranted saliva. Again, the UMNO boys called the shots. Again, MIC they felt cheated and belittled and left our of the big league.

For once they felt like the PPP. It looks like the beginning of the end for the MIC which cannot even put up their own choice of candidate in so-called 'MIC allocated seats'. For Samy Vellu, he had to announce the time-line when he leaves the post of MIC president in 2012.

Let us shift back to the crux of the post. Is this the Waterloo for PKR and Zaid Ibrahim? Is this a referendum on the PKR-led government in the state of Selangor by Khalid Ibrahim? With all the in-fighting between MIC and UMNO, will a stranger called Kamalanathan  please stand up to claim his candidature of BN? Apparently he is also not from Hulu Selangor.

The Hulu Selangor seat is for the BN to win and the PR to lose. After the serious dent to the PKR when so many MPs and State Assemblymen have deserted the political battlefield to claimed independence, the apparent signs are PKR is undergoing a baptism by fire. Will they lose the Hulu Selangor seat as well?

Let us look at BN first. This compromise candidate is a bad omen. It is bad for Samy Velu. It is bad for the MIC division leaders in Hulu Selangor. We just do not know how the voters in MIC or the larger public is going to vote. If the voter turn-out is bad, credit it to protest from both MIC and also UMNO. Do not expect MCA,Gerakan and PPP to do magic here. They cannot even save their political souls.

As for the PKR, Zaid is a more commendable candidate. His principles has been shown to be above board. As for his wealth, he did make money through his earlier UMNO relationship. However, the money he earned is above board. He is no stranger to politics . He commands the respect of the public particularly those who wants to see transparency and an end to corrupt practices. That he is a stranger to Hulu Selangor cuts no water. He will have political representatives stationed at his political office if he wins the seat.

When nomination day comes by expect at least 2 independents. We do not know who have planted them here. They could also be selling themselves to the highest bidder.

There could also be a spoiler from Hindraf. This could spell trouble for both PR and BN.

So, it is an uphill battle for BN's Kamalanathan who is as yet unknown to Hulu Selangor. With the competing factions and friction between UMNO and MIC and intra-MIC rivalries, this Johnny-come-lately may lose as a consequence. If he wins, it will be marginal.

As for Zaid, a loss is not good for him personally. The same goes for Anwar and Khalid.

Let us see further developments until polling day on 25 April 2010.

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