April 19, 2010

Hulu Selangor: Now Its Two for the Road

Well, as expected, the two independents chickened out and withdrew, leaving only the BN and the PR to sling it out.

Since nomination day, many things have happened. Some politicians got wounded on barbed wires and as the campaign started, Zaid got hit below the belt when focus was made of his drinking habit. This is anathema to Islam and BN wanted to capitalised on this big-time. The Election Commission have asked BN to take down such posters showing Zaid drinking alcohol.

On both sides, the big guns are coming and going. When Anwar left for Sibu, in came Hadi and now Guan Eng and Tok Guru Nik Aziz is on his way there too. On the BN side, Ibrahim Ali has made camp in Hulu Selangor with his Perkasa-leaning friends. PM Najib and the two independents that went with him to the US Parliamentary caucus will also be showing their faces in Hulu Selangor.

It  looks like we are reaching the climax of the campaign period.

An interesting  thing I read was there are yet to be posters of Kamalanathan in the Hulu Selangor constituency. Is something amiss here?

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