March 18, 2010

Amber Chia: Model turned Woman Entreprenuer

Yes Amber Chia of the  pouty lips and supermodel fame. She wants to be an entrepreneur.

In the next three to five years, Amber hopes modeling will just be part of her history, as she now wants to be seen as a businesswoman involved in television production and events management. I think this is a natural progression for this beauty.

Unlike Kate Moss, the uber-model, who is not only a muse to fashion designers, but also a fashion collaborator with Topshop and Longchamp, and Victoria Beckham who has turned a career of pouting and spouting catchy pop lyrics into a fashion powerhouse and a shrewd businesswoman, Amber Chia is spreading her entrepreneurial wings and not confining herself to just fashion.

In fact, fashion may take a backseat as she expands into reality shows and corporate launches under the banner, Amber Creations.

The company, which started 10 months ago, faces the same challenges other events companies do.
“It is a learning experience for me,” Amber smiles. That is why she partnered close friend Jay Phua and kept her team to people she has worked since the day she started out as a rookie model.

Ever pragmatic, Amber is clear about her role: she markets herself, and the company, to get the business. “Fortunately, clients have been very supportive and recognize me as a product. Sometimes I work behind the scenes, and sometimes I make an appearance to boost up the event,” she said.

Jay and the team produce the events.

Amber knew that modelling as a career could not last forever. Realizing that her days were numbered, so to speak, she began talking to her clients.

“In that sense I was lucky. There was very little financial investment needed to start up the company but there were a few paying projects which we could bank on, and Amber Creations took off from there,” she explained.

Amber Creations is also looking at producing reality TV shows beginning with their very own “Amber’s Diary”, a fashion-driven talk show, and of course producing the Ford Models Search.

So why didn’t Amber choose an easier route? After all, rich suitors must be plenty.

She laughed, “I love to work. I like getting my hands dirty. This (work I do) challenges me — my team teaches me things I never knew. Besides even if I have a million ringgit a day to spend, what would I shop for?”

The sluggish economy has been a challenge but so far, they have been able to clear operations costs. Amber hopes their reputation for doing good work “… should keep us steady for the future.”

And if things don’t work out?

Amber gave us one of her famous smiles. “I’ll figure something out.”

You have my support, Amber!

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