There are signs that foreign funds are returning to the bourse of Thailand.These are coming here because of stronger corporate profits despite concern over political unrest. The continuous foreign buying over the past few days is apparent that they have discounted the fate of Thaksin's illegally acquired properties in the Thail courts.
Foreigners accounted for about 30 per cent of daily trade in 2009.
A noteworty stock, Land & Houses, Thailand’s largest housing developer, is forecast to report a 14 per cent gain in 2009 net profit after the market closes, due to higher sales of detached houses and condominiums.
So, when will foreign interests come back to Bursar KL which the Second Finance Minister described as wholly "un-sexy" to attract any foreign interest. This is not only a laugh on his language expression but also on the kinds of rules we are operating under.
Will Bursar ever play by global rules?
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