February 18, 2010

The Meneki Neko Bobtail cats

I just went to the One-Utama Shopping complex this evening and was surprised to see all these giant-sized cats at strategic points of the complex.

Strangely, there were no ferocious tigers around to paw in the lunar new year. Amidst huge clusters of red lanterns,there were three Meneki Neko cats, or Beckoning Cats in Japanese, at the concourse beckoning customers with new wealth for the new year.

These Meneki cats or better known as the Japanese Bobtail Cats are usually placed at business entrances. It beckons with its right paw. A raised left paw is to attract customers while the raised right paw signifies wealth is coming. These days both paws moved in tandem as they are battery-powered.

As and when these Meneki Cats have entered Chinese New Year folklore is anybody's guess.

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