So what do we know of the minor characters of 'Flipping Fantastic'?
There are few of them but the twin's mother is a prominent minor character as she provide integral inputs into the conflicts of her two sons as they grew up, went to Peter Hill Primary and now on the threshold of secondary school education.
Let us look at the character of the mother, her role in this short story and her perspective on the unfolding events.
The first thing we gathered about this lady is she is proud of her sons. She has only positive things to say about them. She is always in an encouraging mood to spur them on.She likes to look at the 'big picture' of things.
Let us analyse the language that she used of her son's performance in the play on the last day of term at Peter Hill Primary. She says in no uncertain terms of the pride she has of her two boys as they are 'stars' of the show. Actually, it is not so, Tristan is the star as Tom Sawyer but not James who had only a one liner which he fumbled as well. For a mother blinded by love, any thing that James does is seen in a positive light. For example, she said that the very fact that James had to stand in front of the audience and said his line, even though, with a little stutter, was superb! She supported her views further as James lack confidence and is shy and that he had acted in the play was sufficient to bring joy to her heart.
Mum is observant and discerning. As her relationship with the boys is fast, she can sense their moods easily. The fact that both the boys, especially Tristan was very quiet during the summer holidays worried her.She wonders whether her decision to send them to separate secondary schools was a mistake.
In fact, the boys are both struggling with this issue. They reflected the joys they had at Peter Hill Primary; how the have helped each other all along at school and at home, their co-dependence and potential concerns at their new schools if both went to separate schools.
Mum is a very strong lady. She wanted Tristan to be independent physically and James to grow up in confidence by not depending on his brother, Tristan.
As a concerned parent, she asked Tristan whether he was still happy to go to Chesterlea Grange and found that he was not too happy. Against her better judgment, she could have enrolled Tristan to Highfields as well in order to ensure both boys are happy but she did not. However, she let the boys discuss the issue openly.
As the story unfolds, Tristan thought through the pros and cons and despite being cajoled by James to go with him to Highfields, 'stuck to his gun' and went to Chesterlea Grange. He made a matured decision. Meanwhile, he arranged with his friend, Kiara Jones to help James get used to Highfileds for the first few days. How considerate of Tristan. He really knows how to allay his brother's initial fears.
Mum was anything but sad. If fact, she was elated to find the two boys loved their new schools.
Mum has foresight. She had used wisdom in selecting the schools for her boys,ensuring they will become independent and best of all has allowed Tristan the flexibility of decision making after discussing with his brother James.
Its' a classic, "All Well That Ends Well" for this proud Mum.
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