February 25, 2010

Flipping Fantastic: How Good is your Recall?

Compare to the short stories in the last series such as,"The Pencil," Dalat', and " Of Bunga Telor and Bally Shoes", certainly 'Flipping Fantastic' lacks excitement. The story is very common-place and the contending issue, almost singular in nature, is analogous to  Hamlet's famous soliloquy, "To be or not to be,that is the question.". Here, the issue is, " To go to Chesterlea Grange or not?"

'The Pencil' has good character development of Zahid and Encik Jamal while in ' Dalat' the character of Umat towers over Galau who is the smarter one. " Of Bunga Telor and Bally Shoes" tells us of the foolhardy nature of Jamal and his unusual ways to raise a budget to get married. In ' 'Flipping Fantastic', we have none of these excitement and twists and turns. Yes, 'Flipping Fantastic' is very low-key, 'run of the mill ' and hardly contain exciting premises to provoke  us to read the story again and again, unlike 'Dalat".

The following are 10 Q&A. Let us see how we can answer them.

1. Who is the writer of the short story,"Flipping Fantastic"?
2.Who are the main characters here?
3. What do you think is the approximate age of the two main characters?
4. What is physically wrong with Tristan?
5.What does Tristan enjoys that James dislikes?
6. What games does James like to play?
7.Which secondary schools would the boys be going to after the summer holidays?
8. What is the main difference in the characters of the twins?
9. How does James describe his new school?
10, How does Tristan describes his new school?

So, off the cuff, these should be your answers as well.

1. Jane Langford wrote this short story.
2. The main characters are the twins, Tristan and James.
3. They should be about 12 years old going on to 13.
4. He is physically challenged.
5. Tristan enjoys play-acting while James abhors it.
6. He loves to play football.
7.Tristan will go to  a special residential school called Chesterlea Grange while James will go to a day school called Highfields
8. Tristan is an extrovert while James is an introvert.
9.He describes it as "brilliant!"
10. Tristan describes it excitingly as 'Flipping Fantastic!"


  1. I remembered these short stories are from
    Form One Literature. But I can't answer all the ten questions.

  2. The 10 questions are from the new Form One text- a short story called, "Flipping Fantastic" by Jane Langford.

    This is a simpler text compared to the other short stories which Form Two and Form Three students continue to study and to be tested upon come their PMR examinations.

    Where there were three short stories in the earlier series,Form One this year will only study 'Flipping Fantastic'

    It means only one thing. We are again downgrading English intentionally.
