January 25, 2010

Walkabout in Aman Suria

I had about 90 minutes to kill before my class. So after a vigorous walk around the Sunwaymas Commercial area which is flanked by the backs of high-cost Aman Suria bungalows on one end and a shanty town of a new village on the other end,I had an early dinner at a restaurant which claimed it cooks the best Hokkien Mee on this side of the world. I was deeply disappointed at being fed some mushy stuff. No coming back to this shop for me.

Then I drove back to Aman Suria to see the changes since I last saw it in 2008. There were some new eateries. Some old ones that were more high-end have folded. There were some Western restaurants and oriental ones too.

Aman Suria has more traffic and people;unlike Sungwaymas which appeared ghostly and dead.

Let us look at some of the images I managed to capture of present day Aman Suria.

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