Ti Lian Ker's blog was indeed an eye opener. It is a first hand infroamtion of what took place on the evening of 15th October.
It told of the machinations in the MCA, the cut and thrust maneuvers of erstwhile friends turned enemies and the blind galloping greed for power and position. This is the worse situation that has ever developed in MCA since the days of the warring factions of Neo Yee Pan versus Tan Koon Swan.
Close on the heels of the double tenth tragedy, the beleaguered President came home to a dysfunctional MCA Central Committee which reeks of of wanton greed and political debauchery. Friends who were along with him through the thick and thin of times dispose the much maligned Dr. Chua, went on selective memory mode and changed sides; opposing him instead. They wanted blood- the President's and his immediate resignation. Strangely,they would not subscribed to the principle of collective responsibility and resign honorably along with him.
At the end of the day, only 12 CC members were the Presidents loyalists. Even his close friend, the Secretary-General deserted him! Except for 6 members who were from Dr. Chua’s camp, the others have banded together to force the President’s hand.
Not to be undone, the President under siege, played his one last card-The prerogative right to call another EGM, which he did!
So, it is turmoil time once more in the MCA.
No one knows for sure how this mess will end legally. What we can see is that there is little morality in MCA. Do the Chinese want a party without any moral fibre to lead them?
Your guess is as good as mine.
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