May 04, 2009

In Memory of Saadah Din

Where was I on 2nd May 2009?

Yes, I was home teaching Shun and Jon before 11.30 am.
Then I went over to Section 14 at 2.00 pm to teach my 23 students at PT Seri Ilmuan, had a piece of Indian popiah with Peen and then went to DUMC for the evening service.

But a sad thing happened on 2nd May. I did not know then.

Yesterday, I received an email from my elder sister. She said in that email that our good friend,Saadah Din has passed on.

I intended to ring up Siti Salmah in the evening as soon as I have finished teaching Janice English literature. But that was not to be as Siti,as if by sixth sense, rang up first to inform me about Saadah.

She apparently was in remission after removing half of her womb.Happily married to her husband who happened to be her ex teacher, Saadah shunned her head-dress and Muslim garbs and showed her pretty self once more.

The last time I saw her was at the MIMOS office at TTM where she helmed Admin and Finance. That was ages ago. She passed away on May 2nd.

It's rather sad that Saadah is no longer with us. Not that I was in constant touch with her. We moved in different circles after we left KPA in the early 80's.

I remembered what my Sister used to say about Saadah-that she married her ex-husband on the same day that he married the first wife which was in the morning. Saadah married in the evening on the self-same day. Incredible!

In my mind,she will always be her svelte looking self, long hair, sexy in many ways, some naughty talk and always a good friend. May God bless her soul.

1 comment:

  1. After reading your post, I've noticed that there have been some errors. I'm writing on behalf of Saadah Din's husband, who is my grandfather. His name is Haji Ahmad Dahan and he was an ex-senior education officer, ex-banker and was a lecturer at UTM. He is neither a convert nor Chinese. He is Malay by birth. I think you owe him an apology and if you want to do so, you can email him at Thank you.
