In some way, writing is my forte.
Thus far, I have written three trade reports. I thank my late friend for putting out his neck on the chopping board to give me this opportunity. No, no rules were broken. It was by quotation.
Yes, I am conversant with translation too!I have done a translation of two annual reports, I have also translated licenses issues by authorities as well as assignments related to trade.
While jobs are hard to come by and the revenue generated is minuscule, the qualitative rewards are truly enormous when your writings get accepted in first draft forms!
I am not proud of my revenue thus far as it is not sustainable. So, do not try to make writing your primary preoccupation to earn a livelihood. Do it on the sideline and do not leave your day time job!
Make it a hobby that you enjoy through your own creativity and imagination!
I am currently writing a piece for a restaurant.