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October 04, 2012
Freeloaders Galore at YTL Power Warrant Trading
What did you expect?
Why need I pay 20 sen for this warrant when I can dispose it today and get 14 sen nett gratis ?
Imagine to buy this warrant, I would have to:
Pay RM200 per lot
Pay the gomen RM10 for revenue stamp (WTF?)
Pay the nefarious Sylocky bank RM5.00 for their banker's draft.
Go to Plaza YTL to submit the rights form.
Then after that I will possibly get my shares when the YTL Power WR drop to 35 sen or even less.
Let's do a calculation:
RM 200 per lot
RM10 for revenue stamp
RM5.00 for bnkdraft
LRT to town to submit subscription: RM10.00
Total: RM225.00
Assuming price is 35 sen or RM350.00
Brokerage is RM30.00
So you make:
RM 320 (net brokerage)-RM 255.00
So, net profit is only RM65.00
Too much trouble? No?
And so they sell-lah now and get something like RM 130.00 gratis.