Today, is the D-day for my son who took his STPM examinations last year.
After a lull of a few months break, most students will face their moment of truth this afternoon.
Those who had good results of distinction will definitely rejoice.
Those who did alright will adopt a que sera sera attitude and hope for the best in their university application while those who did not do too well, they will have to review their options whether to go for a Diploma course or take a remote sounding degree course at a public university that could possibly not make him non-marketable for a long while.
Let us watch how the day turn out for my son.
Well, after listening to the news that this year's STPM result fared no better than last year's, I saw my son trudging back from school.
Fortunately, he passed all his papers and qualifies to go on to tertiary education.
Thank God for that.