Today is my last tuition session for the year.
So, it will be a time of belated rest until 2012 dawns upon us all.
English is the lingua franca and this generation of Malaysians are in dire need of a good command of English not only for education purposes but also for better job opportunities to help climb the corporate ladder. The Ministry of Education's wanton flip-flopping on the use of English for Science and Mathematics and the ultra re-emphasis on BM has slowly seeped away the legendary command of English amongst Malaysian. The everyday student and job-seeker's need for good English Skills in oral and written English in academia and in business is most urgent.
Acquisition of English is key!
Go to any government department today and these operatives are ill at ease to hold even a decent conversation in English.
Case in point-I got a call from a tele-marketeer for a foreign bank yesterday intending to sell personal loans to me. He is a Chinese chap, mind you and could not carry the conversation in English beyond three short sentences verbally. It must have been to his bitter shame that he just disconnected.
Know English well and you would impress. Have personality and poise as well and you will win hands down!
So, anyone who wants to learn English can contact me at this blog.
I do one-on-one teaching and the fee is oh-so-competitive and ultra reasonable!