Call it what you want. Brand Ambassador or even Sales Promoter cum Sales Person.
Such jobs are mostly taken upon by college students and those between jobs-waiting for a permanent job.
The interesting thing about such jobs is its impermanence-here today, gone tomorrow.
The products you promote or sell can range from air fresheners, detergent products, pet food to beverages.
So, this happened to be the job my daughter tried her hand before going into permanent employment.
After a short 4 to 6 hours training, you can ready to take on the job in a supermarket prepared with props, samples,script and attire.
While on the job, you are visited upon by your supervisor to ensure that you are there doing the promotion. Then there is an auditor who pretends to slink by to pretend to be a customer and he or she judges your performance to give you that added bonus.
Promoters have good sales day, meet interesting customers and sometimes get chastised by both auditors and supervisors for being late, unkempt and not meeting sales targets.
Reflecting on the highs and lows of the job and the late and oftentimes incomplete payments, my daughter's favourite on the job assignment was selling pet food wearing a fluffy white cat tail. It was fun while it lasted....
Today ends her days as a sales promoter and brand ambassador-closing another short chapter of life.