Perspectives of current issues, milestones of the author's life and snippets from everywhere
February 21, 2010
Flipping Fantastic: Issues and Concerns
Reading this book via the pages of the diaries of Tristan, James and their mother piece up a story of the concerns of the twin brothers for each other.
What brought forth these concerns?
The twins, Tristan and James have been together since they were young. They learn to help each other and in return, they help each other to fulfill each others' needs be it physical or otherwise. There were few concerns and issues that they could not resolved.
A new situation then arises.
They have both completed primary education and will move on to study at the secondary school level. They enjoyed their times at Peter Hill Primary though in different aspects. While James loved sports and played football, Tristan like to act in plays and dramas. Tristan was positive minded and full of confidence. James was timid and lack self assurance.
Tristan has been enrolled at a special school for the physically challenged called Chesterlea Grange while James will attend a day school called Highfields.This is the first time they will part ways. Tristan will only be back during the weekends.
After the stage play on the last day at Peter Hill Primary, their mother was deeply concerned about her two boys. Both had been extraordinarily quiet as if they were in a depression.
What was going in the minds of the boys?
Let us look at the issues and concerns of Tristan. He is feeling sad and bad. 'Sad' because he will no longer ever go back to Peter Hill Primary where he enjoyed school life so much. 'Bad' because he will be going to a new school leaving his brother James to go to another school. He believes that James needs his support and encouragement as James lacks confidence and need his encouragement.
What about James's concerns?
He is worried that Tristan would not be able to get around without him by his side. He senses the problems Tristan will face. Who will push his wheel-chair? How is he going to be help in physical exercises or in going to the toilet?
On the other hand, he feels he is still in need of Tristan in his new school to help him. as he is by nature a shy person, he is worried that he will not have anyone to help him. He needs Tristan to perhaps help him with his homework and also to give him constant encouragement.
As for their mother, she was worried whether she has made a wrong decision in separating the boys. She wanted Tristan to 'stand on his own two feet' by going to Chesterlea Grange where he can get himself involved in sports and other physical pursuits. If Tristan is enrolled in Highfields, he will still have to tolerate the facilities at school which may not be user friendly to a person in a wheel-chair. By separating the boys, Tristan will then be on his own and will be less dependent on James.
As for James, his mother feels that that he should also be made independent and to grow on his own rather than forever stay inside the shadow of Tristan.
When Tristan changed his mind of not going to Chesterlea Grange, his mother was worried but James is happy since he will again have Tristan by his side at school and at home. This was the climax of the whole story.
However, while they were discussing the pros and cons of Chesterlea Grange, Tristan felt the time has come for him to be on his own as well. This is a cross-road he has to decide the direction he must take. His new school had all the facilities and activities that is suitable for him and it is about time he should take the challenge to grow on his own without help from James.
So in the falling action phase of the story, Tristan decided to go to Chesterlea Grange and James went to Highfields.
Both enjoyed their new schools and found out that all their concerns were somewhat misplaced. Where Tristan find new joy in Chesterlea Grange, James had Kiara Jones as a friend to give him encouragement in his new school.
So, all the issues are finally resolved and the story ended with happiness all round.
Flipping Fantastic: Exposition
Before we go to the issues and concerns plaguing the twins,let us look at the setting. In literary circles,the setting is that part of the short story called the exposition. The exposition is the beginning of the story where the main characters are brought into the picture.
So what is the setting or the exposition?
It is the last day in Peter Hill Primary for the twins. A play is always held on the last day. Both of the boys are involved in it. Tristan has the lead role while James took a bit part. The play was 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer'. Tristan was selected for the role of Tom.
While Tristan took to the role like fish to water, James was ill at ease. Tristan had a good memory and could deliver his lines almost like a professional. James, on the other hand, is nervous and oftentimes stumble even if the role only has one line.
On the big night,among the parents watching,sitting in the front row was the boys' mother. She was so happy that her two boys were acting in the play. She marveled at how well Tristan delivered his lines. She was also pleased with James even though she senses he had stammered a little bit.
For Tristan, he was definitely very delighted with the way the whole play turned out. The stage and prop were all in place. Not a single thing was amiss. As for his acting, he felt he did a good job. James, on the other hand, felt he stumbled on his singular line and did noticed Jessica Parker laughing at him from the audience. He disliked the girl.
This was the setting or the introduction of the short story.
The other secondary characters to be mentioned in the short story apart from their mother and Jessica Parker is Kiara Jones, a girl whom both Tristan and James liked.
So what is the setting or the exposition?
It is the last day in Peter Hill Primary for the twins. A play is always held on the last day. Both of the boys are involved in it. Tristan has the lead role while James took a bit part. The play was 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer'. Tristan was selected for the role of Tom.
While Tristan took to the role like fish to water, James was ill at ease. Tristan had a good memory and could deliver his lines almost like a professional. James, on the other hand, is nervous and oftentimes stumble even if the role only has one line.
On the big night,among the parents watching,sitting in the front row was the boys' mother. She was so happy that her two boys were acting in the play. She marveled at how well Tristan delivered his lines. She was also pleased with James even though she senses he had stammered a little bit.
For Tristan, he was definitely very delighted with the way the whole play turned out. The stage and prop were all in place. Not a single thing was amiss. As for his acting, he felt he did a good job. James, on the other hand, felt he stumbled on his singular line and did noticed Jessica Parker laughing at him from the audience. He disliked the girl.
This was the setting or the introduction of the short story.
The other secondary characters to be mentioned in the short story apart from their mother and Jessica Parker is Kiara Jones, a girl whom both Tristan and James liked.
Flipping Fantastic: Tristan versus James
The twins,Tristan and James are an interesting pair. Somehow or other, they complement each other in most areas.
Tristan is physically challenged and has difficulty in using his arms and legs. He is wheel-chair bound. James, on the other hand is a normal child and it is his labour of love to push his brother around in his wheelchair as well as up and down ramps. Tristan needs help in many things such as in dressing up and in getting into and out of his wheel-chair. He is dependent on James in school from going to the toilet to doing physical exercises.
Tristan has little choice but to use the computer for his schoolwork as he cannot write with a pen or other writing instruments. As such, he becomes good with things that are computer related. He is good in math,has a great memory and doing homework was easy for him. As he cannot express himself physically such as James who plays football and is good in sports, Tristan found his element in acting in dramas and stage plays.
Behaviourally and character wise, Tristan is positive minded and confident of himself. His mother describes him as a bewildered child and a live wire. On the other hand James was more inward looking;shy,nervous and lack confidence. He is not self-assured and exhibit many fears in life. He is even afraid to ask strangers for directions. He dislikes acting in dramas as he cannot remember his lines as well as Tristan.As such he hates dramas.
Tristan and James do provide comfort and support to each other. They have a symbiotic relationship. Both of them feel they need each other.
With such behavioural traits,close relationship and inter-dependence, issues surely will creep up when they had to separate to go to different secondary schools after leaving Peter Hill Primary. When school reopens,James will go to a day school called Highfields while Tristan will attend a special school called Chesterlea Grange, a residential school and can only be back for the weekends.
In my next posting, I will dwell of the issues and concerns both boys felt for each other and the climax of the short story.
Stay tuned............
Tristan is physically challenged and has difficulty in using his arms and legs. He is wheel-chair bound. James, on the other hand is a normal child and it is his labour of love to push his brother around in his wheelchair as well as up and down ramps. Tristan needs help in many things such as in dressing up and in getting into and out of his wheel-chair. He is dependent on James in school from going to the toilet to doing physical exercises.
Tristan has little choice but to use the computer for his schoolwork as he cannot write with a pen or other writing instruments. As such, he becomes good with things that are computer related. He is good in math,has a great memory and doing homework was easy for him. As he cannot express himself physically such as James who plays football and is good in sports, Tristan found his element in acting in dramas and stage plays.
Behaviourally and character wise, Tristan is positive minded and confident of himself. His mother describes him as a bewildered child and a live wire. On the other hand James was more inward looking;shy,nervous and lack confidence. He is not self-assured and exhibit many fears in life. He is even afraid to ask strangers for directions. He dislikes acting in dramas as he cannot remember his lines as well as Tristan.As such he hates dramas.
Tristan and James do provide comfort and support to each other. They have a symbiotic relationship. Both of them feel they need each other.
With such behavioural traits,close relationship and inter-dependence, issues surely will creep up when they had to separate to go to different secondary schools after leaving Peter Hill Primary. When school reopens,James will go to a day school called Highfields while Tristan will attend a special school called Chesterlea Grange, a residential school and can only be back for the weekends.
In my next posting, I will dwell of the issues and concerns both boys felt for each other and the climax of the short story.
Stay tuned............