So as the morning breaks on the 2nd day of Chinese New Year (15 February 2010), we started on our journey home to see dad and all the siblings and their families. As we do not celebrate the New Year's Eve Dinner together, this was our occasion to meet and dine.
Malacca was within sight after a 2 hour's drive. Traffic was manageable.
We managed to meet most of the siblings and had a great time bonding. This year one of my brother and his wife took on the task to cook and there was the usual traditional Hainanese food on the table for all to savour. The kids loved receiving 'ang pows' for sure.
Apart from going back to see dad,, I visited 2 relatives in Merlimau. One is Auntie 6 and the other,her daughter,Chin. I also visited my brother in Tangkak at Taman Tiara.
Traffic was snarlingly bad as we attempt to come home. I think we lost easily an hour driving 'bumper to bumper'.
Tired but it was one great day of the new lunar calendar of the Tiger for all of us.
Here are some photos of our big meet in Malacca.