Like a welcome wind,Hong Kong singer-actress Gillian Chung has returned to the spotlight. She now features in a 'Tough' spring/summer clothing line promotion as well as being ambasadress for Jaz Beer!. Welcome back, Gillian. We want to see more of you. Much, much more.
Look at these pictures of Gillian as her current self!
Age may have taken off some of her youth, beauty and feistiness but Tamlyn still rules many hearts. I am one of the many.
I literally fell in love with Tamlyn Tomita in 1986 when she played the young love interest, Kumiko in "The Karate Kid II”. Even then, I could see her latent talent. Her performance as the feisty and stop-at-nothing Waverly in ‘The Joyluck Club’ takes the cake! She was in her finest element and I think none of her other roles will compare to this! Fiery. feisty, fun, fantastic-that is Tamlyn Tomita. Still is.
I attached some of her pictures and two videos from “The Joy luck Club” as well as another from an interview with Tamlyn to show the amazing performance of Tamlyn Tomita. Enjoy!
It's no common egg that you ate this morning. It's no ordinary egg that you fried, steamed, poached or scrambled.Every egg has a story to tell. The more eggs the more the stories. Let's have some fun with some eggstraordinary tales of eggs in every day life situations.